组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Once upon a time, there were three fish living in a pool. One evening, some fishermen (渔夫) passed by and saw the fish." This pool is full of fish!" they said excitedly. "We've never fished here before. " After saying that, they left.

    When the oldest of three fish heard this, he was worried. He said, Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pool quickly. " The second fish said. You're right. We must leave here. "There's nothing to worry about." he said "We have lived here all our live. No fisherman has ever come here. I'm not going anywhere. My luck will keep me safe."

    The second fish saw the fishermen coming early the next morning and left quickly. The oldest fish left the pool that evening.

The oldest fish saw the problem ahead (预先) and acted before it arrived. But the fish that depended on luck and did nothing died in the end.

A. The second fish acted when it came.

B. But the youngest fish didn't think so.

C. The fishermen will come back tomorrow and kill us!

D. The third fish's luck didn't help him— he was caught and killed.

E. We must come back tomorrow with our nets (网) and catch these fish!
