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The Mini Belt and Road Forum

    Hi, I'm Hatama. I'm 14 from Russia. As the largest country in the world, Russia offers wonderful travel choices: the Red Square and trans-Siberian (西伯利亚) railway tour. Lake Baikal is the deepest and oldest lake on the earth. Russian Cabbage Soup is one of the typical Russian diets. Summer, from June to August, is the best season for vacation. Welcome to Russia.

    Hello. My name is Mohamed. I'm 16 and I'm Egyptian. Egypt is much more than Pyramids. It links Africa and Asia. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Egyptians like seafood and spicy food. To all Egyptians, bread is the most important part of every meal. If you plan to travel in Egypt, December to January will be the best time. Hope you can come.

    Hello, everyone. I'm Apollo. I'm from Greece, 15 years old. Greece is one of the most popular places in the world. The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia in 700 BC. Greece is also famous for its olive (橄榄) oil and cheese. The best time in Greece is from mid-April to mid-June in Spring and September to mid-October in fall. You will enjoy the beaches and the sunny weather there.

    Hey, My name is Neha. I'm a 14-year-old Indian girl. TajMahal (泰姬陵) is a place of great interest in India. I'm proud that India grows fast and Indians work hard. Indian food is known for curry (咖喱) , a hot spicy dish of vegetables. The best time for tourists is between October and March in the north and between January and March in the south. It will be a wonderful travel experience.

