组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    "Tom? Are you in bed yet?" called Mrs White. There was no answer. Mrs White put down her book and went to her 14-year-old son's room. Tom was sitting in front of a bright computer screen on which a motorbike was running fast.

    "Oh, Tom. You're still playing that computer game. You must stop now, because it's half past eleven. If you don't go to bed soon, you'll be very tired tomorrow, "said Mrs White.

    "But I've nearly won the game, "Tom said to Mrs White. She could see the excitement on his face. She sat beside him.

    "You're always playing on the computer. You spend more time on this machine than on your homework, "said Mrs White.

    Today more and more families have computers. Parents hope computers can help their children improve their study at school But many of their children use computers to play games, listen to songs and watch videos instead of studying. We often see that computer net bars are crowded with people, especially young boys. They spend a lot of money competing(竞争) with the computerized(用机算机控制的)machines. The more they lose, the more they want to win The result is that they don't want to study.

    In some countries, even scientists hate computers. They say computers cause millions of people to lose their jobs or cause them a lot of trouble. Computer game addiction(瘾) is a serious problem in our social life. Something should be done to solve the problem.
