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Like two different worlds

    I come from London, a very big city! Over 81people live there, and it's always busy with tourists. So moving to a little town2only 15, 000 people is a big change for me! I am living in a little town in the countryside in Germany now.

    In the countryside, the towns are 3so everyone knows each other. At home in London, I don't even know my neighbours! Another nice thing about the countryside is that it's very green and there's lots of fresh air. I like nature, and it's nice to see4the seasons change the trees. My favourite thing about living in the countryside is that I can see thousands of 5 at night. At home I can hardly see any! That's because there's 6light in the city, but here everything is dark and the stars twinkle in the sky.

    One thing I do like about living in a city is that it's7to travel. We have the subways, buses and trains, and we even have buses that run all night. Here, the last train is before 9 pm, and there's only one an hour!  Another good thing about cities is that there are lots of 8, so you can usually find what you need. In my town here there aren't many shops, 9I have to go to the nearest city!

    I always thought I was a city girl, but now I like the countryside too. They are like two different worlds, but10feel like home!
