组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When scientist Jessica Wade realized how hard it was to find information about women scientists, she decided to help solve that problem. She has now added the stories of over 300 female scientists to Wikipedia.

    Dr. Wade has always been interested in science. But as she kept going in science and learned more about amazing women scientists, she was surprised to learn that they didn't have Wikipedia pages.

    Wikipedia is the world's largest encyclopedia, and the world's 5th most popular website. What makes it special is that anybody can add to or change it. But even though Wikipedia has close to 6 million articles. Dr. Wade noticed that "It doesn't have the stories of many amazing women in science." She says that 83% of the biographies on Wikipedia are about men.

    So, in January. 2018 she decided to write one Wikipedia article about a female scientist every day. She doesn't get paid, but it has become her second job. So far, she has created 306 Wikipedia pages.

    Dr. Wade will keep writing her articles, but she also wants to teach other people how to add articles to Wikipedia. She would like to create a website to keep track of all of the biographies. She wants to turn them into a teaching tool.
