组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Tom was walking through the forest with his axe (斧子) when a sapling (树苗).Called to him and stopped him on his way.

    "Could you please help me clear away these trees.my kind friend?  They are stealing (窃取)all of my sunshine. There is no room because of the trees .so my roots cannot grow freely. I cannot feel the wind with the trees above me."

    Tom decided he could do this favor for the poor sapling. He swung his axe and cleared the trees around the sapling.

    But after Tom made space for the sapling, the hot sunlight dried his leaves. Then there was a heavy rainstorm. The poor sapling couldn't stand(忍受)the weather.

    "Oh, foolish one." said a farmer who was passing by. "The taller trees may seem like they're taking your sunshine, space and wind form you, but they're actually helping you. They protect you from sunburns, heavy rain and other bad weather. _____.You only see them taking your space, but you don't see how they help you. One day when you grow up, you might be the one to protect other saplings."
