组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Life is short, so you have to make the most of it. Did anybody tell you that?  (或许) they just said "YOLO" to you. It stands for "You Only Live Once", and is a very popular phrase on the (互联网).

    Having a YOLO attitude(态度) means that you make the (大多数) of every day. It means you enjoy your life, because you only get one. Someone who has a YOLO attitude is always open to doing new and fun activities.

    Now, thanks 10 a US study, YOLO might be more  (比) just a popular saying. A study found it might be (更健康的) to have a YOLO attitude!

    A research team did an experiment (实验) with two (组) of students from different US universities. One group pretended(假装) they . (只有) had 30 days left before moving to a new city. They did lots of activities and (度过) time with people they loved. In other words, they had a YOLO lifestyle. Another group went on living (他们的) normal lives.

    At the end of the experiment, the students did a survey to find out how happy they were. It (显示) that the first group were much happier.

    The study shows that being active and making close friendships are important for us to enjoy our lives.
