组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. The Fact.

B. Don't Wait!

C. Start Today!

D. The Dream.

E. How Could You Do It?

It is everyone's dream to work at home. You can plan your own hours and work when you want to. There is no more rush hour and no hours that people waste when they get to and from a job every day.

You can stay at home, work when you want to and make money when you need to. There are many chances(机会) for you to make money at home, just by using your computer and the Internet. The fact is that this dream can come true.

Educate yourself, look closely into all the chances and decide on what works best for you, It will not happen during one night, but you can make a decision(决定) today and start to make it happen today.

Do you have a blog or a personal website like millions of other people? Are you using it to make money? Most of these blog and website owners are not. But you can do that! When you have your computer and the Internet working for you, you will make money while you sleep, travel or do whatever you want to do all day long.

There are many ways you can make money with your computer. And you can begin your stay-at- home businesses with just a little money. What are you waiting for?
