组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


    It was nine on a cold winter night. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike.

    At the last crossing, while I was for the green light, I saw an old man walking toward me. He me and I felt a little nervous. The old man said  "Excuse me. Could you please help me? "I looked at him up and down. He looked about 70 years old.

    The old man took out a 10-yuan bill and said to me, "You see the old lady over there? She is selling baked(烤)sweet potatoes. Could you just  the money and buy one from her? "He pointed at an old lady selling something about fiftyaway in the corner.

    "But why don't you go and buy it ?""I was puzzles(迷惑的). The old man continued. "That old lady is my wife and it's her day to sell baked sweet potatoes. Just now I called her. She told me that there was only one sweet potato left and she wouldn't go home until all the sweet potatoes were .

    But I know she can't stand the cold because her legs hurt. I'm very worried about her."

    At that time, I understood why the old man asked me to buy his sweet potato. I felt really warm and moved. Without taking the money, I rode to the old lady quickly and bought the last one. As I waved goodbye to the old man. I see him standing there with a thankful smile.
