组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    A river was running happily in the hill, the valley(山谷) and the field. Soon it was stopped by a huge rock and the river was a little afraid and worried what it could do.

    The rock said, "Hi, baby!Where are you going?"

    The river answered, "I'm going to the sea. My mother is waiting for me."

    The rock made fun of the river and said, "You're too young. Go back to the hill at once. You can't get there. Don't come back here again!"

    The river was surprised to hear that and said, "I can only go forwards(向前).There's no river that goes backwards(向后)!"

    The rock became angry and warned the river. "Don't speak! If you don't go back, you will have to change your direction. Don't want to run over my body!"

    The river asked helplessly, "Where should I go?"

    "You can go anywhere you like. Just don't come close to me!"

    While they are talking, more and more water came here. Then it began to get out of control. The river ran quickly over the rock and the rock was washed pitifully.

    The river said proudly, "A weak person will change his goal and direction. A person who is strong will only go ahead and nothing can stop him!"
