组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When you are waiting on a phone call with a pen in your hand or feeling bored on a train, you may probably doodle(涂鸦). Consultant Graphology(笔迹咨询师)Tracey has studied the most common doodles and their meaning in a new piece of research. Here she shares the psychology(心理学)behind those doodles.

    Circles   Drawing round shapes expresses the need to love and be loved.

    Squares   If you're drawing squares, then this shows a practical(脚踏实地的)nature.

    Triangles   If you're drawing triangles, his shows you are an energetic and powerful nature.

    Flowers   If your flower has a large round centre, this expresses confidence and the enjoyment of a good social life.

    Hearts   Hearts have always been symbols of love. It clearly expresses that you pay much attention to feelings, but easily get sad as well.

    Coils(线圈)   Drawing these complicated(复杂的)shapes means the doodlers have a colorful life and the ability of creativity. What unusual doodles they are!

    Webs   This kind of doodles may be unusual and complicated, but drawing webs shows special personalities that are good at leading people to a special situation.

    Boxes   It's not good news for people who draw boxes. Because Tracey believes that while this shows great dreams, it can also be a sign of materialism(物质主义).
