组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

but,   painful,   take,   soon,   master,   slow,   happen,   I,   in,   eat

    When a wolf was walking near a village, he met a dog. It to be a very bony(瘦骨嶙峋的)dog. The wolf had not been hungrier than usual. So he began to move towards the dog, while the dog backed away.

    "Let me remind you," said the dog. "it will be an unhappy thing for you to eat me now. Look at ribs(肋骨). I am nothing but skin and bone. But let me tell you something in private. a few days my master will give a wedding feast (宴会) for his only daughter.

    You can guess how fine and fat I will be on the leftovers(残羹剩饭) from the table.

Then it will be the best time for you me."

    The wolf couldn't help thinking how nice it would be to cat a fine and fat dog instead of the bony one. So he went away.

    Some days later, the wolf came back for the promised feast. He found the dog in his yard, and asked him to come out and was ready to eat him.

    "Sir," said the dog. "I shall be glad to have you cat me. I will be out as as

the porter(看门的人) opens the door."

    the "porter" was a huge dog to be very unkind towards wolves, which the wolf knew by a experience. He learnt an important lesson what you can get when you can get it. So he decided not to wait and ran away as fast as possible.
