组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    On April 23.2019, a series of events to celebrate the 1 anniversary of the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA)Nay(中国人民海军)was held in Qingdao.

    Destroyers(驱逐舰) sailed in the sea, submarines(潜艇) slid under the surface and fighter jets flew across the sky. It wasn't a scene from a war movie, indeed, it was a real grand naval parade.

    As a large country 2 more than 18,000 kilometers of coastline, China needs a strong navy. This was a hard lesson3 by history. According to Xinhua, from the 1850s until 1949.foreign forces used the sea to make about 470 invasions of China. Therefore, the PLA Navy has become a key line of the nation's defense.

    As President Xi Jinping said, the oceans are of great significance as they sustain life and connect the world. "The blue planet that humans inhabit is not divided into islands by the oceans.4is connected by the oceans to form a community with a shared future, where people of all countries share weal and woe," said Xi during his 5at the event.
