组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. seldom    B. methods    C. nowadays    D. oceans    E. almost

    Without the television set, the radio and more importantly, the computer, we will have any fun in our homes today. However, the people in the past had their own cleverof enjoying themselves. For example, they made music without the use of computers but with tools made from wood and animal skin.

    Travel was simple at that time. Most of the people were excellent boat makers and they could make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the . With increased skills and experience, the people learnt how to make the boats stronger against rains and storms.

    Some things are basic for us, but the people in the past could live the lives to the full even without them. We should not look down on the wisdom of people long ago.
