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    When you travel to a foreign country, there is one important thing. You need to know its way of greetings(问候).

    In the US, men usually shake hands for greetings, but a smile and a "hello" will do just fine.

    In England, people often say "hello" for greetings. They usually shake hands for their first time greeting without standing too close. Friends often kiss on the face for greetings.

    In France, men, women and children shake hands with their friends and often kiss them on both cheeks(脸颊) for meeting and leaving.

    In Arab countries, close men friends kiss both cheeks. They shake hands with the right hand only because in their culture, only the right hand is clean. They can't ask to shake hands with women.

    In China, people usually nod(点头) their heads and smile, or shake hands for the first time greeting.

    Although these countries have something in common in greetings, you should still think carefully and know well about the greetings before you come to a new country.
