组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Politeness is the practical application of good manners, the goal of which is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable. It's a flexible management of words and actions, by which we make other people have a better opinion of us and themselves. It seeks to build a positive relationship. .

    However, in the rush of daily life being polite is social behavior that we find rare nowadays. . They don't even take the time to look around. This has led to the loss of simple social rules some might take for granted and that are particularly powerful.

    , people become less and less attentive to others' feelings, for human interaction (互动) is almost lost. Take for instance the rudeness we tolerate when a person is looking at his phone when talking to us.

    Being polite is not just a simple social elegance. . These days "Please" and "Thank You" are forgotten. And not many people are aware that these two simple words can easily open or close any door to us. Unfortunately, they often forget to say these words.

    Hope is not lost. There are many ways we can improve our behavior to achieve skills in politeness. There are simple things we can do to be considered as a polite and well - mannered person., they will respect you back. Just make a change in our behavior to start. Use simple words like "Excuse me", "Please", and "Thank you" every day. Be kind to receive kindness. Care and politeness will get you far in all aspects of life.

A. As technology progresses

B. People have become more self - absorbed

C. As long as you show your politeness for people

D. Since for many people being polite remains a challenge

E. Many languages have specific means to show politeness

F. It aims to respect a person's need to be liked and understood

G. It's also about being kind, caring and respectful to another person
