组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I am Cindy Miller. I like playing sports very much. I think it is a good way to keep healthy.

    I have many good friends. I often play basketball with them after school. I don't have a basketball, but my friend Jim has one. So we often use(使用) his basketball.

    Today is June 1st, and it is Children's Day. My father buys my brother Mike a new basketball. He is six years old. He just plays it on the floor at home. I want to use his new basketball. So I say to him," Hi, Mike. May I use your basketball this afternoon?" "No, you can't," he says to me. I am very sad. My father comes to him and says, "Dear boy, you shouldshareyour things with others. Then you can be a good boy. "Then he gives the basketball to me.
