组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Welcome to our restaurant! We have fish, chicken, rice, eggs, fruit and vegetables for you to eat. We have apple juice orange juice, milk and beer(啤酒) for you to drink. Many people come to our restaurant for dinner every day. Do you want to try Chinese food? We have Sichuan food and Guangdong food here. They are nice to eat. And they aren't dear(贵的). Anybody can afford(买得起) them. On Sundays, kids can have free(免费的) milk. If you want to have dinner at home, you can take our food home. You will have a happy dinner with your family and friends. Would you like to have some? Please come in. You can order(订购) the food by phone, too. Our telephone number is 6771-7878.
