组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Sam is an English boy. He is eight years old. These days, he thinks that his mother needs a sweater. So he comes to a clothes store. Mrs. White is at the store.

    "Can I help you, my boy?" Mrs. White asks.

    "Yes, please," Sam says. "I want a sweater for my mother."

    "Oh, I see," Mrs. White says. "What color does your mother like? Do you know?"

    "She likes purple," Sam answers.

    Mrs. White takes out a purple sweater. San thinks it looks nice. "How much is it?" he asks. "It's 80 yuan," Mrs. White answers.

    But he has only 60 yuan. Mrs. White sees this and says, "I know you are a good boy. You can buy this sweater for 60 yuan. Here you are.

    Sam gets the sweater. He is veryhappy.
