组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. I found a photo in Classroom 7E. A nice girl and her parents are in it.

Call Tom at 518- 1296.

B. Hello, I'm a boy. Here is my family photo. In it are my father, my mother and I.

C. Mary Green is English. Now' her parents are teachers at No.1 Middle School, She is in the school, too.

D. Who lost a yellow ring? I found it this afternoon. Is it yours? Please call

Miss Wang at No.1 Middle School at 625 - 1905.

E. In the school library, I found a schoolbag. Is it yours? Please e mail me at tom@sina.com.

⑴Three people are in the photo of Frank s family.

⑵Kate lost a schoolbag in the school library.

⑶At No.1 Middle School, a teacher found a ring.

⑷Cindy lost a family photo in Classroom 7E. She must find it.

⑸Li Tao wants to find the English girl at No.1 Middle School.
