组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Recently Lindsay hasn't felt herself. She was a really good student, but her grades(fall) since three months ago. This is because she sometimes has trouble(concentrate) on her study. She also refuses(talk) with teachers and friends. What's worse, she feels(tire)all the time but has difficulty in falling asleep. Her behavior attracts her mother's attention. Her mother asks her what(happen)to her, but she just cries.

    As a matter of fact, Lindsay is(suffer) from clinical depression(临床抑郁症).What is clinical depression? It can be described as a mood which islow that it affects your daily life(serious).The first signs of it in teens are(poor) school  reports  than before, learning difficulties and staying away from  classmates and teachers.you have these signs, don't worry. It is not so difficult to deal with clinical depression. There are many effective ways, such as medicine, small talk, more exercise and a balanced diet.
