组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    As an attractive city in the Netherlands, Amsterdam is one of the most bicycle-friendly(city)in the world, having over 800, 000 bikes in the capital. By comparison, the city has a population of only 750, 000, less than number of bikes. According to a survey(make)5 years ago, 490, 000 people used bicycles every day.

    Up to now, people in Amsterdam(enjoy)the convenience of cycling for decades. The city has special facilities for cyclists, can be used for free. Compared with other transportation in the city, bikes are(clean)and less expensive while also(offer)health benefits.

    reason for bicycle riding is that bicycle traffic is(relative)safe. Amsterdammers ride a wide varietybicycles. Many tourists also discover Amsterdam by bike, which is a typical Dutch way.
