组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. Rose, thank you for asking me to play tennis with you, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm staying with my grandpa the whole day to celebrate(庆祝)his birthday. Maybe another time.

B. Simon, I'm sorry I can't go swimming with you on Wednesday afternoon because I have to go to the hospital with my mother. She has a toothache. I hope to join you next Wednesday.

C. Alice, thank you very much for asking me to dinner on February 16th.1 would like to come very much, but I have to fly to Tokyo on that day. It's very kind of you to ask me. I hope to see you when I get back in a week.

D. Julie, thanks for your invitation a lot. I'd love to come to your party at seven o'clock, but I have to finish my homework first, so I may come fifteen minutes later.

E. Amy, thanks for asking me. I'd like to come. But I'm sorry I have a piano lesson from 7: 00 pm to 8: 00 pm, so I'll go to your house at about 8: 20 pm. I wonder (想知道)if it would be fine with you.

