组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
Nancy's hobby is collecting sharpeners. She spends a lot of time on it after school. She has been collecting more than one hundred sharpeners from different countries. They are all different in color and size.
Nancy likes sharpeners with animals and birds on them. In this way, she learns the names of many animals and birds. She also borrows books on animals and birds from her school library. She learns a lot about them from books.
Sometimes Nancy has many sharpeners of the same kind. She gives them to her friends. Then they give her other different sharpeners in return.
Nancy has many pen pals in many countries. She sends them sharpeners of her country. In return, they send her sharpeners of their countries. Nancy's father also gives her sharpeners. He brings them home from his friends for her.
Many of Nancy's friends collect other things. Some collect coins and others collect matchboxes(火柴盒)or stamps. But, all of them say that Nancy's collection is the most interesting of all.
