组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

    I am writing to thank you for looking after me so well when I came to stay with you in England. You made me feel like part of the family, I felt I was Ann's sister, although I was just her friend from Singapore. I had a good time when I was in England. We visited many different paces and took lots of photos. My mother has kept all the postcards I sent to her, I am going to put them on the bookshelf with some of the photos.

    The journey I went home was very relaxing, and the long flight seemed to pass more quickly than usual, thanks to the book Harry Potter Ann gave me to read on the plane. My parents were pleased to see me, and said that they missed me a lot. We will have a busy time soon, as we are moving house next month. I have give Ann my new address, and I hope she will be able to come and stay with us next summer.

    I must finish now, because my father is going to the shopping centre and he said he would post this letter for me while he is there.

    Best wishes, Kate.
