组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Fashion models' life? Sounds great. But is it really wonderful? "It's not an easy job," Molly, a model says. Today is an ordinary(寻常的) day of Molly's weekdays. Let's see what she does together. After breakfast, Molly starts her work. She goes to three companies, and gives them her photos and resumes(简历). She hopes to work for them.

    Then she goes to the fourth company(公司). The company is going to have a fashion show tomorrow. She comes to try on the clothes. At twelve, Molly eats an egg and some beef for lunch. She has a show at 1:30 p.m., so she can't eat too much. The show lasts for three hours, and Molly gets 500 dollars.

    At 5:00 p.m., Molly gets a call from one of the three companies that she went to in the morning. It asks her to take part in a show the day after tomorrow. Molly is very happy to hear the good news. Work is over. Molly has a vegetable salad at six. Before going to bed at 11:00 p.m., she exercises for one hour, buys some clothes online and then face care. What a busy day!
