组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    There came Bryan's favorite game time. He sat back on the couch (沙发) and began to1. As Bryan was playing, his mom walked through the room to see what he was doing. "Don't let the video game turn you into a couch potato," Mom said. Bryan didn't reply and2his eyes on the flashing television screen. He gripped (抓) his controller tightly and pushed the buttons hard.

    Soon, Bryan's3began to hurt. He was having trouble moving his fingers. Bryan tried to stretch out his hand,4it felt like his fingers just wanted to curl back around the controller. Bryan5back into the couch. It was so comfortable that he felt like he was sinking deeper into the cushions (靠垫). He felt a little thirsty, but it would be too much trouble to get up and6the game. Then Bryan thought about7Mom had said. Was his body really becoming part of the couch? He tried to concentrate8his back and legs to feel where his body ended and the couch began, but he9feel much of anything at all.

    Bryan looked down at his hands. They felt stiff (僵硬的) now, and it seemed like they were stuck around the controller. Bryan felt10.Could he really be turning into a video game controller? Would he just disappear into the couch before supper? Suddenly, Bryan11the controller and made himself stand up. He stretched his arms up toward the ceiling and then reached his hands down to touch his toes. His body tingled (刺痛) as he moved.

    A Bryan ran to the kitchen to tell his mom what had happened. "Well, at least we know that video games haven't12your mind," Mom said. She buckled (轻声地笑), but Bryan still felt very serious. "I think I'll take a break from video games and go outside13." Bryan said. And that's just what he did.

    That day Bryan got a(n)14. It's wise to make playing video games a way of relaxation and keep a balance between video games and suitable exercise. Otherwise a man will end up with a couch potato, or even, a15of video games.
