组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Miss Ellis came to class with an adult woman and two younger girls. "Today I have1'Cinderella' and 'Snow White' with me. They are accompanied by Cruella', their stepmother." The students were quite2about what kind of lesson Miss Ellis would be teaching that day after such a strange3.

    After everyone was seated, Cruella prepared to speak. But then, all the 4 in the classroom went out. Two loud slaps could be heard. Then, the lights came on. Cinderella and Snow White were5.

    "Who did that?" Miss Ellis asked. All of the children6Cruella with their fingers. Cruella shook her7and insisted that she hadn't done it. But once again, the lights went out in the classroom. When they came back on again, two students named Clara and Phillip were crying. All of the students once again accused (指责)8of hitting the children. She started to speak up and defend herself when the lights went out for a9time.

    But this time, the lights came back on within just a few 10 Everyone saw Cinderella and Snow White approaching two other students with their arms raised, ready to11the children. The students asked Cruella to stop them. As it turned out, Cruella was,12a nice and kind mother who didn't know what to do with her13stepdaughters, who caused problems everywhere they went.

    "That's what I wanted to teach you today," Miss Ellis said. "We shouldn't14 others based on prejudice (偏见). We should treat everyone15no matter what prejudices people might have against them."
