组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    A PG-13 rating is a stricter warning by the Rating Board to parents to determine whether their children under age 13 should view the film. A PG-13 film may go beyond the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity (裸露), language, adult activities or other elements, but does not reach the restricted R category.

    The theme of the film by itself will not result in a rating greater than PG-13, although activities shown in the film related to a mature theme may result in a restricted rating for the film. Any drug use will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. More than brief nudity will require at least a PG-13 rating, but such nudity in PG-13 rated film generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be violence scene in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence.

    A single use of one of the rude words in a film, though only as an expletive (感叹语), initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such bad word requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context. The Rating Board nevertheless may rate such a film PG-13 if, based on a special vote by a two-thirds majority, the Raters feel that most American parents would believe that a PG-13 rating is appropriate because of the context or manner in which the words are used or because the use of those words in the film is easily neglected.
