组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When the two brothers were old enough to marry, their father was not happy because their family wasn't so rich that the brothers often argued with each other about some small interest and he really didn't know how they would quarrel when they broke up the family and lived apart.

    One day, their father was sick, lying in bed and staring at nothing, when the elder son came over to wish him good health. His father said,” Ask your brothers to come here, and I have something to say.”

    The younger brother arrived. Their father sat up and said, "I don't know how the disease(疾病)hit. I'm feeling terribly unwell." The brothers persuaded(劝说)their father not to worry about it ,but he shook his head," In fact I don't worry about this disease because I manage it ,but if youare in discordwith each other in the future, it will be our family's 'disease' and no one can deal with it ."The brothers felt ashamed.

    The father got out of the bed, pointed to some chickens in the yard and said," Look at them sitting there in peace with each other, isn't it good?" Then their father brought out a bowl of corns, went quietly behind the house and spread most of them on the ground. Then he went back to the yard with only a few corns left and flung at (扔向)the chickens. As soon as they saw the corns, the chickens jumped up, quacked their wings and fought for it .The peaceful world was now filled with" smoke of gunpowder" for some coins.

    The brothers smiled and understood what their father was driving at.

    Their father added," Both of you saw more corns are behind the house…"

    Actually, aren't many troubles in life because God scattered(撒)some corns before us?
