组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Janie shook her bank. It was not heavy. She shook it again. It made very little sound.

    She sighed (叹气). How could she buy dad a gift? Father's Day was almost here. She went to talk to mom.

    "Mom," said Janie, I need money. "What do you need money for?" asked Mom. "I need to get dad a gift for Father's Day." "I will not give you the money," said Mom. "I will help you to make it." "What do I have to do?" asked Janie. "You can help me," said Mom. "You can help with housework. I will make a list of jobs. Each one will be worth a price. When you do a job well, I will give you the money according to the price." "OK. That's a good idea." said Janie.

    Mom quickly made a housework list: sweeping the floor, $2; making the table, $0.5 ; washing socks, $1; making the bed, $1; washing the dishes, $2; taking out the litter, $1; cutting the grass in the garden, $3; tidying the room, $3.

    After that, Janie helped with the housework happily every day, "What a pleasant surprise father will have when he gets the gift!" Janie often imagines (想象).
