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    Company culture is a hot topic for nearly every business. Everyone wants to create a productive, collaborative and inviting work environment where all employees follow shared values and work toward a common goal.

    We asked a group of entrepreneurs to share how they encourage their teams to participate in building the company culture. Here are their top recommendations.

    Get employee input on the hiring process

    While a hiring manager should always have a final say over who joins the team, it could help to allow employees of all levels to participate in the hiring process. Ismael Wrixen, CEO of FE International recommends letting some of a candidate's future teammates sit in on an interview, as this can help you find people who will fit in well with your other employees.

    "Our company has a real familiar feel, and team members often socialize outside or work." Wrixen explains. ''Considering how people will fit in the team once they are hired has always been an important consideration."

    Create a space and environment that allows for breaks

    Company culture-building can sometimes feel forced, says Jessica Gonzalez, CEO of InCharged. To make it more organic and natural, Gonzalez believes the best thing to do is to create the space and environment for it.

    "Some companies get a Ping-Pong table," she says. "It doesn't really matter the details, but you have given your employees permission to take breaks and blow off some steam with their coworkers. That's where culture and connection will be built."

    Stop micromanaging

    If you want your employees to build a great culture of their own, don't disturb the process, says Solomon Thimothy, president of OneIMS. While he monitors all processes on his team (including culture-building), he only gets involved when his staff needs him, rather than constantly micromanaging.

    "Connect people with each other, define your expectations, set the pace and leave them alone," Thimothy says.

    Plan activities that reflect your shared values

    According to Beth Doane, managing partner of Main & Rose, your internal brand should reflect your external one. She recommends bringing your team together around a shared set of values and then doing activities to strengthen that brand.

    "As a social-good focused firm, we love doing activities that give back-hiking, volunteering, cleaning up the environment, Doane adds. "It's fun and it gets the whole team involved in our mission."

    Ask for their ideas and suggestions

    If you really want your employees to help build the company culture, all you have to do is ask them for their input. Chris Christoff, cofounder of Monster Insights, says he is open to suggestions from team members on how to perform more efficiently.

    “Opening the invitation to new ideas fosters a positive company culture because it shows employees their voices are heard and their opinions matter because they do," Christoff says. "It creates a relaxing, trustworthy environment where everyone respects what each other has to say."

    Anyhow, it's important to remember that culture is not necessarily a top-down creation. Instead, a successful culture is developed and maintained by the workers who live it every single day.

Company culture


    Companies hope to possess a productive, collaborative work environment where every employeeshared values.



    It helps when staff getin the hiring process, despite the fact that employers always have a final say.

    The company had better create a space and environment that takesof breaks, making it possible for the employees tostress.

    The employers should leave development room for employees after setting goals for them but come to their assistance only if

    Based on shared values, the company ought to do activities where your internal brand shouldexternal one.

    It's a wise choice toemployees about ideas and suggestions because such a relaxing, trustworthy environment allows everybody to showfor each other's opinions.


    Company culture is not necessarily a top-down creation. Instead, itsand maintenance depend on workers themselves.
