组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

    On summer holiday I am in the forestby myself(我自己), I go down to fish in the river. Soon get a big fish. Then I hear a great noise. There, right behind me, sits a big black bear! Wild animals are afraid of any quick move. So I move very slowly. The bear watches me. But he sits still. I take the fish and throw it to him. He eats it at once.

    Now what am I going to do? I'd better go on fishing, I think. The bear thinks so, too. Soon I gets another fish. I go over to him and put the fish into his big red mouth. I fish and fish—all for him. At first I am afraid to stop. Then I begin to like doing it. He is so friendly.

    When evening comes, the bear stands up and turns away (转身离开) from me. I can take some fish for my dinner.
