组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Last summer, Oliver had a two-week holiday in Australia. He was in a group of children coming from different parts of the world, and they had a great time together.

    From Brisbane, in Queensland, they went to a beautiful island off the coast of Australia. It is not far from the famous and crowded Frazer Island. Oliver's group stayed in a hotel on the beach on the island, so they could try snorkeling (用通气管潜泳) in the light green water. At night, they went into the water to feed wild dolphins.

    After a few days on the island, they went into the inland areas. There Oliver met some famous animals in Australia like kangaroos! During their three days there, they rode horses. Oliver threw a boomerang (回旋镖), too. They cooked their food over a campfire at night, under the stars.

    Then they went northwards to the Coral Sea to visit the Great Barrier Reef. This over 2,000-kilometre line of coral (珊瑚) is amagicalplace. They spent three wonderful days there, swimming in the coolest sea!

    Their trip finished in Sydney, a nice city. Oliver really enjoyed his holiday.
