组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    The largest dinosaur on the Earth— Seismosaurus (地震龙).

    People found the fossil (化石)of Seismosaurus in New Mexico of America in 1979. It lived 145-155 million years ago. It was about 90-120 feet long. It weighed 25 to 50 tons. It had a long neck and a long tail. It was so heavy that it had to walk slowly. Seismosaurus ate plants. It needed to eat lots of plants every day to provide energy for its large body. Because its mouth was very small, it had to spend as many as 23 hours eating every day.

    The world? s most unusual fish ——Sea horse

    Sea horses live in warm ocean waters all over the world. Because the top half of this fish looks like a small horse, people called it "sea horse". Looking at the sea horse's tail, you might think "sea monkey" is a better name. Its eyes are very special. When one eye looks ahead, the other can look back at the same time. It isn't good at swimming, so it swims slowly. But it is the only fish that can swim straightly. Sea horses feed on live food, such as small shrimps (虾). In just one day, a sea horse can eat 3000 shrimps! Sea horses keep safe from other fish by staying in plants and grasses that grow under the sea. They can also change colors to protect themselves.
