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请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

A Devoted Dog

    As the Camp Fire continued, killing at least 85 people and displacing thousands more in Northern California, Madison waited there.

    Gaylord, the Anatolian shepherd mix's owner, was not able to get to her home in Paradise, when the fire began to spread, meaning Madison was 1. For weeks, all Gaylord could do was pray for Madison's 2, according to California-based animal rescue 3 Paw Print Rescue.

    Sullivan, a volunteer with the organization, had already helped4Madison's brother Miguel in a different city. But Madison was even more difficult to find. Sullivan5 Madison a few times in a canyon(峡谷),apparently6his land, and put out fresh food and water7in hopes that the dog would turn up, according to a Facebook post by Sullivan. She even placed8clothing that smelled like Gaylord near the home" to keep Madison hope9until his people could return'', Sullivan wrote.

    When the evacuation(疏散)order was10last week and Gaylord went back to her home—which had been ruined by the fire—her11were answered: Madison was there, seemingly protecting what12remained of his family's home. "Well, I'm so happy to report that Gaylord was allowed to return to her home today and THERE MADISON WAS!! ! ! He had stayed to protect what was left of his home, and never13 his people!" Sullivan wrote in the 14on her Facebook post, "I'm so happy I'm crying as I write this! He didn't give up through the storms or the fire!" she added.

    15, Madison was16with Miguel for the first time since the17 broke out. An emotional Gaylord said in an interview with the network that she was overcome with18to see Madison waiting for her. She also expressed how19she was to Sullivan. Gaylord said fighting through tears, "You could 20 ask for better animals. He is the best dog."
