组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    We go to many places every day. Do you usually walk ride a bike? In a modern city, there (be) many ways for people to choose. If you are just in a hurry, you can choose to take a taxi. Taxis don't need (stop) at the bus stop. And driver can take you to the place very (quick). However, going by taxi costs much money. So you can goby subway. It is much cheaper than taxis and faster than (bus). When you are not busy, you can take a bus, and then you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city on it. If you want to exercise, (walk) and riding bikes may be good you. Exercise can make you (health).

    Today, many people have cars. But do you think it is a good thing to have too many cars in the street?
