组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库
Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.  Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. involved    B. process    C. vigorously    D. unnoticed    E. continually    F. chemicals    G. links    H. retaining    I. conveying    J. functions    K. relationship

    For years people have recognized the power that writing something down has been able to anchor (固定) a thought or emotion in the brain. This of anchoring emotions and memories with physical touch is now well supported by studies and frequently used by those who practice Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP).

    Evidence that the mind and body connection exists in building and memories is abundant. More recently, however, researchers have been turning their attention to the between exercise and the brain. They are finding evidence that supports the belief that exercise can boost brain power.

    How can that happen? U.S. researchers have found that exercise helps that brain develop new brain cells in an area of the brain called the dentate gyrus. This area is known to be involved with age-related memory loss. The studies performed mice and later humans supported the evidence found in those studies: there was increased blood flow to the memory center of the brain after exercise, which may help optimize the way the brain . Basically, anything that helps the body to decrease stress hormones, which will improve attention span as well as mood and increase the body's metabolism, will also help the brain. It helps by making the brain cells healthier and better able to link to other cells. This action is vital for learning and new information.

    The fact that exercise makes positive changes in the nervous system and boosts cognitive abilities has not gone by schools. Many states have now established minimum times and frequency for physical education. This type of action is supported by studies that show how much better physically fit third graders and fifth graders performed on standardized tests than students who were still in their studies all the time. The evidence that obesity with lower levels of academic achievement in school children is starting to catch on everywhere.

    Walking at least three times a week was found to benefit your brain, for it will cease to grow for a lack of exercise. Creative writing benefits brain a lot as this type of activity is not mechanic and cause the brain to produce new which stimulate new dendrites and neurons to grow in the brain. Use one or more of your physical senses, involve your complete attention and break away from your routine in a significant way as dull brain is never ready for the unexpected.
