组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

   “Jamila, I just found one dollar sitting on the coffee table,” said Mrs. Johnson. “Is that your money?”

    Jamila looked up fromthe book she was reading. “Oops, it's mine. I emptied my jacket pockets before Ileft for basketball practice yesterday. I was running late, so I didn't have time to take it up to my room.”Jamila placed it quickly in the back of her book and went back to reading.

  “Jamila, you just put that money into the back of your book. I'm quite sure that you're not going to be able to find it when you need it.” her mother said. “You see, some of your money is in the pencil case on your desk. Some is in the glove hanging behind the door. I think you might also have a few dollars in your bag. You are such a careless girl.”

   “Mom. I'm too busy to take care of my money.”

     Mrs. Johnson smiled,“It looks like it's time for you to get your own bank account (账户).”

   “My own bank account?Is it necessary? Kids know little about it."Jamila replied.

    The next day, Mrs.Johnson took Jamila to a bank and opened an account for her. The banking mangerexplained how the money in the account would increase. “The longer the money staysin the account, the more it will earn(获利),” he added.

     Jamila was surprisedto learn that she could earn money just by keeping her money in a bank account.“I wish I had done this a long time ago.”
