组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When You're Stuck at Home

     Maybe you can't go out because the weather is 1 or too cold. But that doesn't mean you can't get some2 while you're inside.

      Turn on your favorite 3 and dance. Invite your dog or cat to join in the4. Or catch a hula hoop and make up some hula-hoop dances. 5 there is enough room, you can jump rope and count how many 6 you jump without missing.

      There are basketball hoops with over-the-door hooks and 7 made from soft foam(泡沫) that are meant to be played with indoors. If you have them and 8 enough room, set them up and shoot some hoops. Have a 9 with everyone in the house — may the best basketball player win!

      More things to do when you're stuck at home:

      ·Do some tumbling(翻筋斗) if you have enough room to do it.

      ·Set up a scavenger hunt.

      ·Bat a balloon back and forth and try not to let it hit the floor.

      And here's one thing not to do: Try not to say, “I'm 10. There's nothing to do.” As you just found out, there's always something to do!
