组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Madan was able to make clothes. And he was famous for the clothes. The people in the whole town wanted the clothes. One night, Madan said, "I am sure I can 1 a dress for the moon. I will be famous on the moon too."

    The wind carried his 2 to the coconut(椰子) tree. The tree said, "You can't do one thing."

    The coconut tree 3 to say something more, but Madan would not 4.

    Madan made a dress for the moon. He called out to the coconut tree, "You must give this dress to the moon, because I cannot 5 her." The coconut tree agreed.    Soon the coconut tree said, "The moon 6 your dress is too big."

    Madan was 7, but the moon really returned the dress to him. So he had to redo(重做) it. He spent the night making the dress a little 8 and gave it back to the tree. But the moon gave it back to him 9.

    "I tried to tell you about it before," said the tree. "After the moon is full, she grows smaller each day until you can't 10 her at all. So how can you make one dress that would fit the moon?"
