组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Lee Ming, Ivy, Tony and Terrence are from four different countries. The followings are their diet menus for one day: 





Lee Ming from China

    He eats porridge ( 麦片粥 ). He doesn't like roast bread but he likes Chinese steamed bread. He likes drinking soybean milk.

    He eats rice, chicken, pork and vegetables for lunch.

    He eats the same food as lunch for dinner. After dinner, he will eat some fruit.

Ivy from the USA

    She likes drinking orange juice or coffee. She eats oatmeal (燕麦片) and roast bread for breakfast.

    Her house is far away from her company. So she often has sandwiches, vegetables and soft drinks for lunch.

    After work, she shares a big dinner with her family.

    They will taste steak, beef and seafood. She will enjoy some dessert and some fruit after dinner.

Tony From Britain

    He eats grain with milk and bread for his breakfast. He drinks a cup of orange juice every day.

    He doesn't have much time for lunch. So he often has fast food such as chips, hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks.

    He eats beef and chips for dinner. He likes ice cream after dinner.

Terrence from France

    He eats grain products, bread and drinks coffee.

    He likes spaghetti (意大利面条), meat, fish and vegetables for lunch. He drinks some wine during lunch. He has some fruit after lunch.

    He eats soup, ham, cheese, and spaghetti. He drinks some wine as well.
