组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

     In China, the best months of the year are October and November. At this time the sun shines brightly and often wind blows to keep the temperature down. The weather is never too cold or too hot. The temperature is usually between 16℃ and 22℃.

     In winter, wind blows strongly and the temperature falls. By January and February the temperature falls to its lowest, sometimes under zero. It seldom rains. In March and April, the temperature goes up, and there is often fog and light rain. It gets warm in May and June, but it's not too hot. There is often heavy rain in June and sometimes it rains for three or four days.

     July and August are the hottest(最热的)months. It often rains hard until late August. The average(平均的)temperature is 33℃. In September the temperature begins to fall. The highest temperature is near 29℃.
