组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    "Don't sleep in class, Jack!" shouted the teacher. "You are 1, sir," Jack stood up and said, "I'm thinking about the question now. I'm not 2."

    "I'm sorry," said the teacher. "Would you like 3 my question?" asked the teacher. "Certainly," said Jack. "What is it?" "Why does the moon sometimes look like a(n) 4 and sometimes look like a sickle(镰刀)?" asked the teacher. "Oh, this question is 5," said Jack. " 6 it is full, it looks like a plate. It 7 like a sickle when it is 8, just like my stomach." Jack's answer made the class 9. The teacher was unhappy.

    "Why do we have the sun in the 10 and don't have the sun at night?" "This question is easier than that one," said Jack. "When we work in the day, we need the sun. When we go to bed at night, we don't need the sun."
