组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, the day when over 46 million turkeys will be at dinner tables all over the USA. There are two lucky turkeys. They are Cobbler and Gobbler. They won't be on the table. They will live happily on George Washington's Mt.

    The 21-week-old birds come from Rockingham County, Virginia. They look the same. But they really have different interests. Cobbler likes pop music, but Gobbler likes classical(古典的) music!

    Now in its 65th year, the turkey pardoning game was started by President Truman. However, this year, President Obama asked people to vote(投票) on Facebook. He wanted to make sure they would like to pardon these two turkeys. But the turkeys know nothing about it. They just want to run away!

    After Thanksgiving Day, the two will leave for their new home. But they have to meet visitors until January 6th, 2012, before going to their new home! We wish Cobbler and Gobbler a long and healthy life.
