组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

A. Do you have any uncles?         B. Welcome to my home! 

C. What do your parents do?        D. He is a bus driver.    

E. What does your uncle do?

Alice: Hello, Tim!  

Tim: Oh, thanks! Your home looks so sweet! Is that the picture of your family?

Alice: Yes, it is! This is my father, and the woman beside me is my mother.

Tim: They look very nice!

Mice: My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse.

Tim: Wow! They must be very busy!

Alice: Yes, I have one uncle. The man behind me is my uncle.

Tim: He is handsome!

Alice: He is a fireman.

Tim: Do you have any cousins?

Alice: Yes, I have one cousin. His name is David.

Tim: What does he do?

Alice:  , He loves driving.

Tim: You have a happy family!

Alice: Thank you!
