组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mr. Miller had a shop in a big town. He1ladies' clothes, and he always had two or three shop girls to help him. They were always 2because they were cheaper than older women, but none of them worked for him for very3 , because they were young, and they did not meet many boys in 4shop.

    Last month a girl came to work for him. Her name was Helen, and she was very good.

    After a few days, Mr. Miller5a young man come into the shop. He went 6 to Helen, spoke to her for a few 7 and then went out of the shop. Mr. Miller was very 8and when the young man left he went to Helen and said, "That young man didn't 9 anything. What did he want to 10?"

    Helen answered, "He just wanted to see me."
