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  For thousands of years,no other country has been as wonderful to the world as this one.It makes you wonder what's  1  the pyramids,how people made mummies(木乃伊)and why the Great Sphinx stands there to be with the  2 .This is Egypt,one of the oldest civilizations in the world.
        Built along the world's longest  3 , the Nile,Egypt is a big country with the second largest population  4  Africa.As a land rich in beauty,history and culture,ancient Egypt left behind many  5 for the world.
The solar calendar(日历)we use today actually 6  Egypt.Around 4,000 BC,Egyptians used a calendar that was 365 days long.They had twelve months made of  7days each.And they made the left five days a festival.
Egyptian characters(文字)are some of the  8  characters in the world.It looks like our oracle bone inscriptions in ancient China.Their characters  9 many others,including the Latin alphabet(字母表)we use today.
    When it came to 10 science,Egyptians left us mummies,which we try to see how they kept a  11 body for such a long time.Egyptians covered bodies with a special salt·This makes the  12 dry, which keeps it looking lifelike.Some mummies are more than 2,000 years old.
  Today,many people are  13  interested in this crazy land.Scientists have found more than 130 pyramids in Egypt,  14  a research in National Geographic.The biggest is the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Giza.It is about 138.8 metres  15 , which is almost as tall as a 40  story building.The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the most famous ancient wonder of the world that still stands today.