组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Students in high schools can be cruel and we certainly refer to a young man named Matt who was in my class. We laughed at him about his1. He was at least fifty pounds overweight.

    One day he sat near me in a2. Someone pushed him and he3on me and hurt my foot quite badly. With the whole class 4, I had to choose either5 it off or have a fight with him. I chose to fight in order to keep my 6.

I shouted, “ Come on, Matt, let's fight.” He said he didn't want to. Butpeer pressure(同伴的压力)7 him into the fight whether he liked it or not. He came toward me with hisfists(拳头)in the air. With one8Ibloodied(弄出血)his nose and the classroom became9. No one dared to say a word. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom, He saw that we were 10 and sent us out to the playground.

    He followed us with a11on his face and said, “I want you two boys to go out there and run that mile holding each other's hands.” The room broke into laughter. The two of us were12, but Matt and I went out to the track and ran our mile 13.

During the course of our run, I looked at him, with blood still flowing from his nose and his14slowing him down. It hurt me that here was a person, not all that different from myself. I no longer saw Matt as fat. It was amazing what I learned I was forced to go hand-in-hand with someone for only one mile.

    For the rest of my life I have never15 a hand against another person. I know it is wrong to do so.
