组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
    You may have noticed that the world's population is not evenly distributed (分散式的) around our planet. There are some countries where people seem to be living nearlyon top ofeach other because conditions are overcrowded. Then there are others where it seems that hardly anybody lives. What influences this unequal distribution of people? There are specific advantages and disadvantages of living in a certain area.
    The two main factors that influence people's choice of location are climate and resources.  Climate is the usual weather conditions in a region. Areas that have bad weather are generally less deal as places to live in. The north and south poles at the top and bottom of the world may be beautiful in their rugged, natural way, but the disadvantage of the bitterly cold and windy conditions usually keeps people away. When it comes to climate, warm conditions and a normal amount of rainfall are advantage that attract people.
    Natural resources are things that we get from nature and that help us survive. Each region offers different resources, and therefore attracts different groups of people. People who enjoy the beach can make their living by catching and selling the ocean's many fish and other sea creatures. Those who prefer farming can take advantage of rich soil (土壤) in valleys near rivers. Some people are willing to accept the disadvantages of the terrible conditions of deserts or mountains in order to take advantage of the resources like oil or woods.